M200134 | 100bp Plus DNA Ladder

CAS Number



100bp Plus DNA Ladder is a premixed, ready-to-load molecular weight marker containing eight linear double-stranded DNA fragments. The DNA Ladder is suitable for use as molecular weight standards for agarose gel electrophoresis. The DNA Ladder contains 100bp -1.5 kb DNA fragments. The 500bp band (100 ng/5 μl) has doubled intensity than other bands to serve as reference 100bp-1500bp.

• Ready-to use molecular weight marker for DNA size range of 100bp to 1.5 kb.
• All bands from restriction enzyme digested plasmids.
• Brighter 500bp reference band.

100bp,200bp,300bp,400 bp,500 bp, 600bp, 700 bp, 800 bp, 900 bp,1,000 bp,1,200bp,1,500 bp

at 4 °C for six months;at -20 °C for two years

Dry ice (-70 ?)




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